Pisces is adaptable, empathetic, and creative. They must avoid passivity, choose love wisely, and prioritize decisiveness. Pisces excels in the arts and should embrace their original ideas, living near water for tranquility.
Pisces knows how to adapt to anything. They are somewhat resigned to changes and new circumstances. This can be a big advantage in modern times where there no surety to anything, and fortune's bubbles rise and fall. Especially these days where fortune's bubbles have a habit of going bust on a moment's notice. On the flip side this can be a bad thing in that Pisces accepts change very passively and may develop a type of learned helplessness pattern of behaviour.
Pisces is compassionate and genuinely wants to help other people. This can also translate into interference in other people's affairs to an extent that makes others irritated and resentful. Pisces has a habit of being suspicious of the motives of others. This may sometimes be well-founded fears, but often these may be based on groundless theories. This can lead to interpersonal problems which could easily escalate.
Pisces is imaginative and very creative. She or he will never have a shortage of original ideas and concepts. But there is also a tendency for those ideas to never take off, due to various reasons. Pisces would be well advised to cultivate the habit of persistence, and not to give up in the face of reversals. Some ideas may not take off for the simple reason that the right time for that idea has not arrived. Do not let a lack of tangible results discourage you from pursuing your dreams and ideas. And even ideas that may have failed once, do not shelf them forever. Give it some time, and then try again. Success has a habit of favouring those who persist and persevere as opposed to those who are brilliant, but give up at the first defeat or reversal.
Others find the presence of Pisces very soothing and comforting. This is because Pisces feels and expresses a natural empathy for others. Some people even find Pisces's sweet and almost defenceless dispositon so soft and charming that they almost see Pisces as their unofficial counsellor.
Pisces are very gentle and kind, and this helps them make friends. At the same time, Pisces is in constant danger of being taken advantage of by the rest of humanity. Pisces needs to be careful while not giving up his natural sympathy and affection for other human beings. Unfortunately there world is not as perfect a place as Pisces would want it to be , and there is no shortage of individuals who are on the lookout for what they consider as 'suckers'.
Pisces tends to have a good sense of humor. Sometimes this may be effectively used to hide his or her true feelings or sense of desperation over reversals and failures.
Pisces's feelings run very deep. Much deeper than most people think, even those who are very close to her or him may not realize the depth of Pisces's feelings. This often leads to problems down the road. Pisces may hide behind a smile regardless of the resentment boiling inside. And eventually the dam may burst. Pisces needs to express her feelings more openly, don't keep everything inside. It is not upto you to keep the whole world smiling and happy with you. The world will take care of itself. Express your feelings. Make a promise to yourself that you will not let others use you as a doormat. Practice standing up for your rights.
Pisces's moods are not very consistent and can change like the weather over London. Her career decisions may also change overnight. A successful lawyer may wake up one morning and decide that he wants to be carpenter, and much to the angst of his family he may sell his house and move to New England where he believes his woodworking skills will be recognized. It is easy for a Pisces to make friends. Everyone needs a Pisces, and that is an understatement! People go to a counsellor when all they need is a Pisces with sympathetic ear, willing to help them out and listen to their story.
Pisces falls in love easily. They tend to place the object of their love on a pedestal, and when the pedestal falls over, it crushes poor Pisces totally. Pisces needs to be very careful in picking who she or he falls in love with. At any cost avoid the Casanova types or any such adventurers who will almost definitely break your gentle heart. You need someone solid and steady, kind and understanding who appreciates your gentleness and will hold your hand and never let go.
You have a natural interest in the arts, and you may really excel in it, given a little training and someone to give you a helping hand while you are starting out. Keep away from critical individuals who may damp your enthusiasm. Avoid those well intentioned folks who get their kicks out of telling people that 'it is not possible'. Anything is possible for you Pisces, you are a natural genius, you have your heart in the right place. The world may not be a perfect place, but that is not your fault. Persevere in whatever you are pursuing, and it will be yours.
You should strongly consider living somewhere near the water, a lake or stream or pond or even the beautiful oceanside. The waves are like balm to your soul. Your heart has a strong connection to the water. Avoid landlocked areas where you will be too far from the water.
You oftentimes have problems with not being decisive enough. There will be many regrets that will haunt you throughout your life about things that you now feel you should have done or said or taken care of. And the fact that time has marched on may fill you with sadness. But don't let that get you down Pisces. Do not regret what has already happened, everything in life happens for a reason. Instead of regreting, make a resolve that next time you are confronted with decision-making you will sit down and weigh the pros and cons, and then take decisive action, and once you cross that bridge, don't look back, don't weigh the consequences once the decision is made.
Do not put off things for tomorrow. Do it today if after careful thinking it sounds like something that should be done today. Another thing that Pisces needs to address is the need to prioritize things. Face it, there isn't enough time in this lifetime to take care of everything, and there isn't enough time in a 24 hour day to take care of everything. But make sure that everything important is taken care of before you go to bed tonight. Do not put it off for tomorrow.
Pisces may not be very demonstrative in his or her affection, but remember what they say about quiet waters being deep.. Often their lives are very lonely, since it is not always that someone else recognizes the uncut diamond that Pisces is. Pisces is extremely loyal to her friends, and will fight hard for them. If she feels that her friend has been wronged, she will go to the end of the earth to protect him or her.
Pisces tends to be active in causes that are for the good of the public. They may not be in leadership roles, but they will be the ones who do their sincere best. Pisces's intuition and insight makes them good debaters, they may notice and pick up on things that others could overlook easily.
Pisces may give up easily and that is their single worst fault. If Pisces can develop the will to stick to things, there is nothing they cannot achieve in life.
Pisces are well known for having a lot of original ideas. Believe in those ideas. If an idea sounds marketable, get a patent for it. This could be your road to riches. Pisces often gets deeply interested in and involved in the occult arts, at which they can easily excel, and they often know more about their future than even the astrologers themselves.

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