Leo exudes confidence and authority, a natural leader who energizes others. Their direct, risk-taking approach can lead to success but also provoke envy. Highly organized and persistent, they sometimes overlook the bigger picture. Leo's generosity and honesty shine but they should avoid excessive bragging. They embrace stability and adventure, working hard for success. Despite bravado, Leos need encouragement and appreciation
Leo is authoritative, this can be good and bad. Whatever she says, she says it with authority and conviction, and this convinces people. She may come to believe that she is the ultimate source of wisdom on the planet, which may not work out well with others. Leo loves to lead, indeed, in any crowd, Leo will jump forward and offer to lead, or rather, just start to lead and others will follow. Leo radiates a kind of confidence and cockiness that attracts followers. It also causes resentment when others are not so sure of Leo'a abilities or wisdom, and they may read it as a disproportionate level of confidence and ambition.
Leo favours the frontal attack. She sees the target and just goes after it. Leos would rather use the hammer and dynamite approach rather than a stealthy, cautious approach. This may work sometimes, but not always, and Leo does not take failure very well. Leo is extravagant with money. This may be acceptable if she has a large bank balance, but the headstrong approach along with a less than huge bank balance can lead to financial disaster.
Leo is excitable and energetic, and knows how to energize people. Others are easily influenced by the sheer energy radiated by Leo, and even if they are not very happy about her pushy ways, they somehow sense that they are following a winner. However Leo may not know when to shift into a lower gear and calm down when the situation changes.
Leo has a flair for the dramatic, and flaunts his opinions on all kinds of forums. This may not always be appropriate. Leo would be well advised to do everything in moderation and to remember that there are other people besides her on this planet. Leo is highly organized, like all good leaders. Companies and corporations find this competence, organizational skills and turbo-charged energy an irresistable combination, and as a consequence Leos rise up the ranks of most organizations. And they are not easy to ignore. Their confidence and loud style, coupled with their abililities makes them sheer dynamite.
Leo knows how to persist in her efforts, how to dig in and hold out till she achieves the results that she wants. Leo will face anything withour fear. Indeed, Leo will stumble into areas where angels fear to tread. This recklessness sometimes pays off, and Leo comes off as a big time hero. But these tactics can easily backfire with serious consequences for Leo. Leo looks at one angle of the problem, thinks of a quick solution, and starts acting on it. He may not see the whole problem. In other words, he often forgets the rest of the iceberg while trying to get rid of the tip. Leo would be well advised to slow down, take a deep breath and think about all sides of the problem at hand.
Leo is incredily organized. Others may be intimidated or overawed by the sheer extent of Leo's organizational skills, and they may feel irritated when Leo expects them to say "Jawohl" and stand in line and snap to attention. Leo would be well advised to temper her leadership skills with a little bit of sweetness and pleasantness. Leo is honest about his or her intentions, which may be something as simple as getting something off the topshelf at Walmart, or getting the million dollar contract. She however does not stop to think about tactics , she rushes at the goal. This may work wtih soccer, but may not always work in life.
Leo is generous with others. Small-mindedness and stinginess and underhandedness are not things that Leo goes for. Others may take advantage of your generosity and big-heartedness. Leo accomplishes a lot in life but brags a lot about it to everyone. This creates enemies and provokes the envy and resentment of others. It would be wise to make things less high profile. Remember, tread softly and you will go far.
Leo is full of contradictions. For example they love the security and stability of family life, but at the same time they are itching for an adventure. Leo will face unusual up and downs in their early life. And it takes all of their hard work to stay ahead. People born in the Leo sign often reach very high positions in life. Notwithstanding all the bravado, Leo needs a lot of encouragement and appreciation.
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