Your aggressiveness will take you places and help you achieve a lot, at the same time, it will put you in harms way. Your brilliance enables you to think quickly and make fast decisions, but often these may turn out to be wrong decisions. You are driven to win, and win at any cost. And win you will! But at times you may be playing dirty. Your flair for the dramatic gets you a lot of attention , but on the flip side you oftentimes tend to create a ruckus over nothing. You are restless and eager to get things done. In your eagerness you may miss the mark at times. Generally you tend to be optimistic, but when you are down, you are really down. You are highly emotional. This could be an asset if you are in public life or in a caring profession. At the same time, this could be your downfall.
You are very ambitious, sometimes this ambition is more on a mental plane than a physical plane. You are generally very successful in positions of power and responsibility. You may not always get those positions, but when you do, you will outshine everyone else. You will respond to the needs of the world in a way that no one else can. You wont stand by and watch bad things happen to good people.
You will stick stubbornly to your decisions, whether they be right or wrong, and you will drive it to whatever ending. You have tremendous drive, energy and vigor. Others tend to be overwhelmed by your energy. You are best handled by kindness, patience and tact, and lots of love. This is something that your spouse ought to know! You are decided and dogmatic in your views, and it is rather hard to bring you over to any new viewpoint.
Your greatest fault lies in your impulsiveness and lack of self control, and you tend to rush into all kinds of difficulties and dangers. If I were to give you one word of advise that will stand you in good stead for your whole life, it is 'LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP'. Think twice before all major decisions, and you will avoid a lot of painful and expensive 'life lessons'.
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