Aquarius, a profound analyzer, questions everything. Their open-mindedness and brilliance can lead to overthinking and delayed decisions. They avoid taking sides, valuing a higher purpose, excelling in politics, invention, arts, and fragrances. Loyal friends with patience, but they should turn thoughts into action, focusing on priorities. Their generosity and fundraising abilities shine, and converting intelligence into meaningful action is key.
Aquarius could be called the great analyzer. Aquarius analyzes everything, and that means everything. He analyses why the weather is so hot, he analyzes why Bush got elected long time back, he analyses why there is a bug on the window. Often times he gets so tied up in these analytical tangles that he may forget other priotiies that need to be taken care of. But Aquarius is not one of those signs that jumps before looking. Aquarius will think it through and no one can push her to go any faster. She will sit there and think over every angle of the problem and will not move an inch until she is convinced that this is the best thing to do. The downside is that she could easily get lost in the details and end up doing nothing, and by then the decision would have been taken by someone else or by nature itself, because time waits for no one, and decisions that we drag our feet on decide themselves.
Aquarius is the best form of 'free thinker' there is. He has a mind that is open to any and every idea. Sometimes of course this multiplicity of ideas can jam his mind up into inaction. Aquarius is probably more misunderstood than any one else in the zodiac. This goes with the sheer brilliance of the Aquarius's mind. Ever active, ever imaginative and ever probing, that summarizes the Aquarius mind. You can't fool them, and you can't beat them when it comes to sheer brain power.
Aquarius tries to be as unbiased as possible which makes some others resentful since they believe that Aquarius should be on their side. But Aquarius believes that she has a higher purpose in this world than to take sides in any conflicts. She considers herself a demi-god of sorts, and believes that great responsiblity rests on her shoulders. She wants to do all that she can for humanity.
Aquarius is humble and unassuming , not withstanding her brilliance and wisdom. This puts Aquarius in a position of great advantage, There is a lot of intelligent people on earth who don't get anywhere because they don't know how to be personable and reasonable about their intellect when talking with less gifted people. Aquarius would do exceedingly well in politics given his natural charm, razor sharp intellect, and amazing people skills.
Aquarius is independent and will not be under any one's control. This free thinking may put her at odds with her boss or other authority figures. But chances are, she will end up being an authority figure herself, given her level of brilliance. Many Aquariuses go on to invent and patent various inventions that help move humanity forward.
Aquarius loves theatre and drama. They are either avid movie goers or they may even be working in some field connected to movies and other visual arts. And they will do well in this field.
Aquarius has an unusual liking for fragrances and perfumes. If you set them loose in a perfume store, you can get anything that their wallet will be empty by the time they come out of there. And if you want to give her a gift that she will love, consider perfumes !
Aquarius are excellent judges of people. It is based more on instinct and intuition than any kind of rational reasoning. But if your Aquarius friend says 'watch out, that guy is weird', pay attention, she is probably right and you will be well advised to follow her advise.
Aquarius is the best kind of friend anyone could ask for. They are incredibly loyal, and protective of their friends, they will not let anyone say anything negative about their friends, even if it were true. They are always willing to lend their last dollar to their friends. And you cannot ask for a better shoulder to cry on. Aquarius's natural love for others knows no bounds, she will literally kiss away your tears and pat your back and listen to your story until you feel better.
Aquarius has an amazing degree of patience. This is based largely on him deep understanding for other human beings and his sympathy for them. Some people may read this as weak willed and try to push their luck or take advantage of Aquarius. Aquarius would be well advsied to steer clear of such individuals who seek to take advantage of everything.
Aquariuses make great writers and movie makers, given their genius, imaginativeness, and naturally tormented and ever active minds. Their imagination could take them to great heights if they couple that with consistent work. However they may occasionally be so distracted that they may forget what their original plan was, and this could potentially lead to a lot of unfinished projects that are at various stages of 'not being finished', and the sad thing is that these could hang in limbo till the end of eternity unless someone draws Aquarius's attention to the fact that these are just sitting there. Thanks to this habit of Aquarius's , there are probably hundreds of half finished future best sellers sitting in manuscipt form in some desk somewhere. If Aquarius can get into the habit of creating an action plan for every grand plan that she makes, and then actually follow through with it, wonders will follow!
Aquarius can be clear minded where all of us mortals are confused, and by the same token she may be totally confused by minor things that most of us don't even consider worth a thought. This is because Aquarius's brain is built like that, it is built to think, think, and think, and it will be lightyears before Intel can build a processor that is as busy as the Aquarius brain !
Aquarius has a strong streak of humanity that cares for everyone, regardless of whether it is the good guy or the bad guy. Aquarius is perfect for undertakings such as the United Nations or the Red Cross or Crescent. He is guaranteed to give equally good care to a escaped refugee and to the bayonet wielding brutal prisonguard. Aquarius has a sense of honor and fairness that is beyond everything. And indeed many of them are drawn into international causes and organizations where they prove their mettle .
Aquarius may get laughed at quite a bit, because they tend to be create their own path, and do things that are unconventional and bold, they are not fools by any means, but they will step out where angels fear to tread. Those who know them are in awe of them, while also mocking Aquarius's unconventional life. Aquarius believes in living life to the hilt, they believe in the dictum that 'a ship at port may be safe, but that is not what ships are for'.
Aquariuses generally tend to shy away from so called conservative viewpoints, they tend to be on the side of whoever wants to change things. This could be a change for the worse or a change for the better. But Aquarius always represents what is new, and what lays in the future. They refuse to go backwards, they want to be always marching forward and they want to carry the world forwards into the future.
Their humanity and kindness is often exploited and taken advantage of. There will be many who want to borrow money and other things from Aquarius. And there is generally no chance of getting any of these favour repaid. Luckily Aquariuses will also have many loyal friends who will stand by them in the hour of need. Aquarius would be well advised to be very selective when picking friends, and avoid those natural leeches who are looking for someone to take advantage of.
Some Aquariuses have low self confidence, which they cleverly hide. Aquarius needs to understand that he or she is intellectually miles ahead of the rest of the crowd, and any problems he is facing are all solvable. Aquarius is the master of the world of thought. Once these thoughts can be linked to the world of action, Aquarius will be ready to take over the world! Maybe every time you get a great idea or thought, write it on a big piece of paper and pin it to your door and do not take it down until you have acted on that idea. You should even consider having a permanent 'action book' on your desktop, where you write every plan that ever pops up in your mind, and do not rest until you make it happen. And go though that book every weekend to check for any un-finished plans. This is the best way to connect your jet-powered super-brain to the real world.
Aquarius is extremely generous. All those charities will be lining up at Aquarius's door, trying to get a dime or two. And not surprisingly, Aquarius makes great fund raisers. Their natural charm and people skills, plus their empathy for people would make Ebenezer Scrooge himself cough up some money.
The best advise one can give Aquarius is to make sure that no matter how many hundreds of streams of thought are crowding into his mind, he needs to decide what is most important to him, and he should focus on that. It is vitally important not to let the analysis totally paralyse his ability to act decisively. Once Aquarius has mastered the art of creating a single action out of hundreds of conflicting thoughts, he has in his hands the keys to his life. Conflicting thoughts are not your fault, it is just a sign of the superiority of your intellect.
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